Saturday, September 19, 2009

Comments from Friends


  1. A quote from Jack London has long been very meaningful to Steve and Francoise, and they wish to pass this along to you.

    I would rather be ashes than dust!

    I would rather that my spark should burn out

    in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.

    I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom

    of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

    The function of man is to live, not to exist.

    I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.

    I shall use my time.

  2. ---- Original Message -----
    From: James Jacobs

    Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 4:05 PM
    Subject: FW: Network of available local neighbors/friends/family to help out with San Rafael issues as needed


    Olivia’s cousin, Sylvia Bingham, age 22, was killed while riding her bicycle to work in Cleveland. She grew up in San Rafael, California and went to Terra Linda High School.




    ...'Tuesday morning bike to work in white ‘t-shirt' movement could happen on the 1-week anniversary of her death. We do know a lot of people ride their bike to work. There is a very active bunch in San Francisco. The hope is that we draw attention to the bicycling commuters, and at the same time, make it a public 'everybody' event, instead of just a Cleveland (where she was killed) and Terra Linda (her home town) event.

    We were hoping that you might broadcast this note to the bicycle riding community to let them know that on the 1 week anniversary of her untimely death, there will be a bike to work wearing a white t-shirt as a memorial ride for Sylvia to draw attention to the problem of a lack of safe commuting options of cyclists. Anything you can do to help is appreciated. A web site, will be set up shortly.

    In addition, Olivia was asked by Silvia’s father to get her bike and paint it white as a ghost bike and hopefully it will be placed in a unsafe area of San Rafael to draw attention to the safety problem. Again, thank you for your efforts.


    Jim Jacobs

    707 View Point Road

    Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA

    Tel: 415-381-5195

    Fax: 415-381-5816

    Cell: 510-590-1098


  3. Dear Steve and Francoise,

    I am so, so sorry and shocked to hear of your loss of Sylvie. There are no appropriate words to even begin to express my sympathy.

    I remember my mom coming home from the event in May and my mom talking about how inspired and impressed she was with Sylvie. They became Facebook friends and that my mom would follow Sylvie’s life as she graduated from Yale and went on to help others. I too, recall meeting her years ago at a potluck and remember that even in her youth, her remarkable presence and wisdom. You are wonderful parents and Sylvie’s strength and compassion for others are evidence of that.

    You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

    With love,


    (Dorothy’s daughter)


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