Saturday, September 19, 2009

Comments from Hannah Jewell

With news of your death,
The world feels a little less
Secure under my feet
A little less
And a little less
To sort itself out.

I spent the day rummaging through my room looking for everything to do with you. There was a lot. I'm glad this photo from junior prom '04 is small and blurry. Everyone looked hilariously terrible in it. You looked cute though, as usual. You got that dress for $12 somewhere. We didn't have fun, so Barry stole forks to make up for the price of the tickets.

The last time I saw you, you made dinner for our families and it was delicious,
of course. Chilled soup, pizza and pie.

Sylvia: you were a role model and an inspiration to me. And you are the only
writer good enough to put into words how wonderful you were.

At graduation, you challenged your classmates
To make change, everyone just a little.

You challenge us again
With your passing
To fill a tiny part
Of the terrible void
You leave behind you
(Though we will never fill
The hole in our hearts)
By trying
All together
To help the world as much
As you could have done on your own

Hannah Jewell, 9/19/2009

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Hannah. Beautifully put. I will certainly do my bit to help the world.....


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