Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Donations to BACLF "In Sylvia Bingham's Honor"

BACLF, a foundation in northern California, has agreed to accept checks for the future Sylvia Bingham Foundation. Checks should be made out to "BACLF." On the memo line put "In Sylvia Bingham's Honor," NOT Sylvia Bingham Foundation, as there are some technical problems with transfer of money if the future foundation is named.

If people prefer, they can also donate to Hard-Hatted Women where Sylvia had just begun working. She loved her new job.

1 comment:

  1. As of September 25, 2009, checks made out to BACLF with "Sylvia Bingham's Honor" in the memo field can be sent to

    558 Capp St.
    San Francisco, CA 94110

    (This comment will be updated when a new address is set up.)


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